Category Archives: Commission

Commission for Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series

Thank you Patrick Shillen co-founder, and director of Arch Enemy Arts for including my work in the Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series. The piece “Communion” was commissioned as a part of this series that was on display in Chelsea, New York during their “Stir Creativity” campaign.

Hilary White Art Communion for Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series

Hilary White Art Communion for Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series         Hilary White Art Communion for Bombay Sapphire Artisan SeriesHilary White Art Communion for Bombay Sapphire Artisan Series

Commission Completed for Metropolitan Gallery Art Consultants

Gate 7 completed for The Twelve Gates series as a private commission coordianted thorugh Metropolitan Art Gallery in Austin Texas.

“Gate 7” part of “The Twelve Gates” series completed as a commission coordinated through Metropolitan Gallery Art Consultation for a private collection in Boulder, Colorado.

Commission Accomplished

Commission has been completed! The piece features Florida wildlife and a pallete inspired by the Gainesville’s natural resources and landscape. Excited about the results and even more excited to start some new pieces. Thank you to the fine folks of Nine Dot Arts, and Springhill Suites for the opportunity.

Hillary White, Hilary White Art, Public Art, Gainesville Public Art, Gainesville Commission art, Florida art, Swamp, art, Florida Wildlife,

Codified III

Excited to have had this new piece Across funded by the University of Florida Genetics Institute and will be displayed coinciding with the Florida Genetics Symposium 10.9.13 till 11.7.13. The University of Florida Genetics Research building is located 2033 Mowry Road, Gainesville, Florida

The final piece is 7ft x 7ftx 14in and will be included in the solo exhibition scheduled at Space 1026 in Philadelphia 7.4.14

Hilary White, Hillary White, Genetics, Art, Florida, Gainesville



Poster design for the 2nd annual Epiphany Concert, sponsored by The Row House

Metal Shirt Design For Movie

Designed metal shirt worn by main character in movie.

Katie Becker Poster Design

Here’s a poster design I recently did for singer/songwriter Katie Becker.

Moon Taxi Album Artwork

Recently finished the Moon Taxi album artwork for their album ‘Cabaret’ in collaboration with Steven Speir.



Portrait Commission

These were commissioned as a Holiday gift for Intuitive Company.

They are 36″ x 36″ wood panel, oil and  acrylic paints with charcoal.

Lion Commission

I was recently commissioned to build a copper, brass and wood Lion’s head with glowing eyes for a dining area of a home. This is the end result to be installed this Tuesday. It has a wingspan of 65″ and is 60″ tall.