Tag Archives: Hilary White Art

Vitality & Verve @ The Long Beach Museum of Art

Vitality and Verve at The Long Beach Museum of Art in Collaboration with Thinkspace GalleryExcited to be a part of this exhibition curated in collaboration with Thinkspace Gallery.

The Long Beach Museum of Art presents:
Vitality & Verve: In The Third Dimension
Presented in collaboration with Thinkspace and POW! WOW! Long Beach

Exhibition runs July 16th through October 16th

LBMA AfterDark Opening Celebration: Friday, July 15th
Please check www.lbma.org for tickets and further information on the opening festivities.

Beacon at Gauntlet Gallery

Custom mirrored frames for original screen prints for the Gauntlet Gallery exhibition Beacon in San Fransisco

Honored to be a part of the great line up of artists in Gauntlet Gallery‘s exhibition “Beacon” open September 12th-October 3rd.

Ingress/Egress on Arrested Motion

Thank you to Arrested Motion for covering the exhibition of “Ingress/Egress” a two person exhibition featuring the work of myself and Hannah Stouffer.

Arrested Motion art and humanities magazine article covering the opening of Hilary White and Hannah Stouffer Ingress/Egress


Hi Fructose Interview

Hilary White interview for the art exhibition Ingress/Egress at Paradigm GalleryThank you to Hi-Fructose and Nathan Spoor for the interview on the Hi-Fructose Blog. Read more in depth about the process and thought that went into Ingress/Egress and The Twelve Gate series in progress. Read More…

Paradigm Gallery Studio Visit

Thank you to Paradigm Gallery for post some in process photos of me working towards the Ingress/ Egress show with Hannah Stouffer . I’m very appreciative of all the support so many have shown and I look forward to the opening July 24th. To see the studio visit visit Paradigm Gallery’s Blog.

Hilary White working in her woodshop for the opening of Ingress/Egress

In Juxtapoz Magazine

Excited to be shown in an article about Scope in the new issue #168 January 2015 of Juxtapoz magazine. Thank you to Paradigm Gallery for representing my work at Scope this year. Check it out!

Hillary White, Hilary White, Hilary white art, Hillary white art, Juxtapoz, Art publication, Scope, Scope Art Fair, Miami Art Basel, PAradigm Gallery


Ruminate Magazine Feature

Excited about Ruminate Magazine who chose my work to be featured in their 33rd issue, I was also award the visual art prize/grant from the magazine.

hilary white art, Hillary white, hilary white artist, Indie mags, Faith and culture, seer, hilary white seer




Excited to be working on new pieces while crating previous ones for shipment to their new homes. More to come!

Hillary White Art, New Work, Painting, Scultpure, mixed media art, Philadelphia art. philadelphia artist, Gainesville Florida Art, Florida Artists

SEER at SPACE 1026

The new series SEER is a couple months away. Keeping the momentum going in this Summer heat. The opening reception will be at Space 1026 July 11th from 6-10 PM. See you there.

Hilary White, Hillary White, Hilary White art, Hillary White Art, Hilarywhiteart, hillarywhiteart, space1026, philadelphia artists

Hilary White, Hillary White, Hilary White art, Hillary White Art, Hilarywhiteart, hillarywhiteart, space1026, philadelphia artists


Triptych for The Endless One series

The Paradigm Gallery store is offering all three of The Endless One drawings as a triptych either framed or unframed signed and numbered, limited edition set. These will be smaller than the original drawings 5in x 6in each.

Hillary White Art, The Endless One, Paradigm Gallery, Drawing Philadelphia