Tag Archives: Juxtapoz Magazine

LA Art Show with Paradigm Gallery

“Gate Four” of “The Twelve Gates” series will be available at the 2017 LA Art Show  in the Juxtapoz Magazine Littletopia section Paradigm Gallery booth 732. To be on on the digital collector preview email sara@paradigm-gallery.com

Hilary White creates art for the Twelve Gates Series using glitter, holographic surfaces, plastic, hand cut wood, paint, hair, jewelry embelishments and found object.

In Juxtapoz Magazine

Excited to be shown in an article about Scope in the new issue #168 January 2015 of Juxtapoz magazine. Thank you to Paradigm Gallery for representing my work at Scope this year. Check it out!

Hillary White, Hilary White, Hilary white art, Hillary white art, Juxtapoz, Art publication, Scope, Scope Art Fair, Miami Art Basel, PAradigm Gallery



Super excited and honored to have The Endless One series featured on the Juxtapoz Magazine website! Long time fans of theirs I couldn’t be happier to have received the news today. Thanks! Read more…