Hilary White art for The Twelve Gates series  Hilary White art for The Twelve Gates series

Hilary White Gate 3 for The Twelve Gates series featured in Ingress/ Egress at Paradigm Gallery  Hilary White Art Gate 4 for The Twelve Gates series

Hilary White Gate 5 for The Twelve Gates Series  Hilary White Gate 6 for The Twelve Gates series



Hilary White art for Paradigm gallery Ingress Egress custom built frames   Hilary White art for Ingress Egress at Paradigm Gallery custom framed print

Hilary White art for Ingress Egress at Paradigm Gallery custom built frames and screen prints  Hilary White Art melting frame custom built sculptural frame

Hilary White Art custom built frame for silk screen  Hilary White art frame custom built silver rainbow frame