The new series SEER is a couple months away. Keeping the momentum going in this Summer heat. The opening reception will be at Space 1026 July 11th from 6-10 PM. See you there.
The new series SEER is a couple months away. Keeping the momentum going in this Summer heat. The opening reception will be at Space 1026 July 11th from 6-10 PM. See you there.
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Posted in Events, Exhibitions, SEER
Tagged Hilary White Art, Philadelphia Arts, Seer, Space 1026
So honored to have met with theses talented folks, John Shirk and Andrew Geller, of Art Phag/ Woodshop Films for an impromptu interview on one of the last few days I had in Philadelphia before moving. Check out more of what they have been up to here Art Phag
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Posted in Philadelphia Arts, Sculpture
Tagged Andrew Geller, Art Phag, John Shirk, Philadelphia Arts, Woodshop Films
Making more progress on the third piece for the show coming up. Still have a lot of sanding, and painting to do. I also need to cut a few more layers out for it. With all the time I’ve been down in the shop cutting out tiny piece by tiny piece, it’s so rewarding to see it all come together at last.
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Posted in Exhibitions
Tagged Hilary White, Mixed Media, Paradigm Gallery, Philadelphia Arts, Sculpture, The Endless One
Been cutting wood the entire day, but the show is close and I’m looking forward to sharing some new work. This last big piece is coming together nicely…at last. Third time building it. I had added some previous elements that just were not aesthetically right. Sometimes you got to break it all down before you build it back up.
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Posted in Exhibitions
Tagged Hilary White Art, Paradigm Gallery, Philadelphia Arts, The Endless One
Went to Paradigm Gallery to pick up my show cards and then sat outside and enjoyed the warm afternoon with a coconut frozen treat. Can’t get enough of this weather. It’s been refreshing.
Posted in Exhibitions
Tagged Hilary White Art, Paradigm Gallery, Philadelphia Arts, The Endless One
Ah yes, Spring has finally arrived in Philadelphia, and I have some time to prep new pieces outside for a change. Time is moving fast, but I am looking forward to sharing new works from The Endless One series. It’s been a challenge for me objectively and subjectively speaking. So here goes whatever is left…
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Posted in Exhibitions
Tagged Hilary White Art, Paradigm Gallery, Philadelphia Arts, The Endless One
Getting things sorted out and preparing for the next piece for The Endless One show in May. A peek at some sketches here, and working on a third. More to follow…
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Posted in Design, Exhibitions
A big thank you to Paradigm Gallery for printing these early promo bookmarks for the opening of The Endless One in May. Now off to the Crane Arts building to finish installing for the InLiquid silent auction benefit show this Friday.
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Posted in Exhibitions
Invited on behalf of Paradigm Gallery to be an a part of the InLiquid silent auction benefit party. For a comprehensive list of all artist who have donated work for the silent auction, the vendors who have contributed to the event, and information on ticket pricing visit the InLiquid site.