Category Archives: REST

REST in LUZ ArtSpace LA

REST will now reside in the new LUZ ArtsSpace on Melrose ave. in Los Angeles. Excited to be a part of the opening even of the space as well. Dates TBA.

Hilary White Art in LA for the opening of LUZ ART SPACE on Melrose Avenue

“Paradise Cities” at the Morean Arts Center

The installation REST will be a part of the exhibition “Paradise Cities” at the The Morean Arts Center in St. Petersburg Florida until October 30th.

Hilary White will exhibit REST at the Morean Arts Center during Paradise Cities in St. Petersburg Florida

Interview with She/Folk

Thank you to Nico Mazza and She/Folk for taking the time to interview me. Read more: SHE/FOLK.COM

REST at Gallery Protocol

A portion of the installation will be on  view during the exhibition “Always Already Here Vol.2”  featuring musical performances by Ghost Fields, Black Galaxy Entertainment, and Enoch of CYNE. Opening from 7pm -11pm

As a continuation of REST there will be a donation area for the Child Advocacy Center of Gainesville. Please consider bringing wrapped juice boxes and individual snacks as a form of contributing to true rest and healing in this community.

Hilary White Art, the REST exhibition on display at Gallery Protocol


REST featured in Vice Creators Project

Thank you to Vice magazine and Hannah Stouffer, for the editorial on REST. Read more here: REST

Artist Hilary wHite interviewed by Hannah Stouffer for Vice Magazine